Christopher Saari


San Francisco, CA


Changing the world via technology with a large, positive industry-wide impact. Achieving the "impossible" by building and leading world class teams.


30 years of software development and management experience across a broad range of platforms and languages including C, C++, Java, C#, Objective-C, Swift, JavaScript, and Ruby. I've shipped consumer facing products on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS / WatchOS, Android and the web.

Personal Projects:

Google Glass inspired me to rebuild my circa 2006 EyeTap:

Work Experience:

5/2013 - Present


Director on Apple [REDACTED], formerly Watch Software

Built Apple Watch software teams from earliest days through first 10 years. Now working on the next grand challenge…

Amazon Music 7/2010 - 5/2013

Engineering Manager

Built the mobile and device teams responsible for Amazon MP3 app on Android and iOS, the music integration on Kindle Fire, 3rd party integrations and yet to be announced projects and platforms.

A2Z (Amazon digital music subsidiary)
7/2010 - 5/2013
Sr. Engineering Manager
I built the mobile and device teams responsible for Amazon MP3 Cloud Player apps and integration on a range of platforms including Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, 3rd party integrations such as Sonos, and yet to be announced projects and platforms. I hired more than 22 people for my teams, and conducted more than 200 interviews across all of the digital music teams in 2011.

10/2005 - 6/2010
Principal Engineer & Sr. Manager
Lead 15 engineers responsible for BrowserPlus, iOS Messenger, Mac Messenger, Vista Messenger, web Messenger, VoIP, video, and the complete redesign of Yahoo! Mail. Strategic, technical and product leadership.

2003 - 10/2005
Principal Engineer
Worked on Dreamweaver and Flex Builder 2. Halved Dreamweaver startup time via parallelizing slow operations. Added dynamic (AJAX) widgets and tooling around them in Dreamweaver. Engineering lead on Flex Builder 2 design and rewrite in Java on the Eclipse platform. 

Netscape / Mozilla / AOL Time Warner
6/1998 - 2003
Senior Software Engineer & Senior Technical Manager
Design, implementation, and debugging on MacOS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux. Managed eight engineers responsible for Gecko cross platform HTML engine issues and embedding in Netscape 6, 7, Camino, and various AOL products. Before that I worked on the ground up rewrite of Mozilla/Netscape 6.x, first by helping Gecko to get up and running on MacOS, and later by contributing to the design and development of XUL, a XML based cross platform user interface description language, and the cross platform UI toolkit. Later focused on the maintenance and improvement the DOM and XUL event system. Redesigned the imaging library for improved performance and flexibility in Netscape 6.1. Lead team responsible for Gecko embedding, editing mode (Composer), and Camino.

PointCast, Inc.
9/11/1996 - 6/1/1998
Software Engineer
Code design, implementation, and debugging on MacOS, Windows 3.11, 95 and NT platforms. Specialized in cross platform, high performance, high quality software. Responsible for key features of 2.0, 2.1, 2.5 and 2.6 Windows clients, MacOS port of second generation Windows vector based graphics animation engine, optimization/rewrite of the combination HTML/XML parser for both MacOS and Windows, and a custom lightweight version of COM for MacOS.

Apple Computer, Inc.
6/96 - 9/96
Software Engineering Internship
Interned with the Pippin software team. Rewrote and revised the 68K boot process assembly code into C and PowerPC assembly. Low level OS debugging.

University of Wisconsin Medical Illustration & Photography
2/95 - 5/96
Computer maintenance and support staff member.

Journal of Chemical Education: Software Division
11/93 - 9/95
Macintosh technical support and programming. Set up a Gopher server, designed and maintained a backup system, installed and upgraded hardware and software, wrote a small utility for striping Ventura Publisher tags out of files, and ported A Window on the Solid State, a Windows ToolBook based program to MacOS.


Went through junior year in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Graduated with high honors from Green Bay East High School in 1993.

Other Experience and Interests: Software engineering and geekery of all sorts; multitouch interfaces, scalability of large systems, lock free algorithms, semantic web technologies (RDF, OWL, reasoners, triple stores), iPhone, Android and mobile web programming, automotive engineering (light weight composite materials), CAD/CAM systems and rapid prototyping

References are available upon request.